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news briefing中文是什么意思

用"news briefing"造句"news briefing"怎么读"news briefing" in a sentence


  • 新闻发布会


  • News briefs : extending care to victims of typhoon tokage
  • New hope group and liuhe group strategic merger news briefing held in beijing
  • May 24 , 2007 tophosts news brief exabytes network today announced they enhanced their ebiz gold hosting plan , which now comes with
    Newsreleasewire . com新闻发布- 1个小时前有您曾经有参加
  • " this test was not directed at any country and does not constitute a threat to any country , " he told a crowded regular news briefing
    他在拥堵的新闻吹风会上说, “这次试验不针对任何一个国家,也不会对任何国家构成威胁。 ”
  • The meeting rooms can hold 10 300 people , that fit for conferences , business , news brief , training arrangements , and so on
  • Our magazine articles come to us pre - digested in reader ' s digest . our news briefings , thanks to usa today , are more brief than ever
    像《读者文摘》这样的杂志上的文章,到我们手里时已经被缩简了。因为有了《今日美国报》 ,简要报道的新闻比以前更简单了。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"news briefing"造句  


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